Do you think about your rights and wrongs... Well i do.. I start criticising my choises... what i did what i should do.. and what i will do! Sometimes lied on my bed or on my sofa... Sometimes on my desk with some nice scotch along but always with a cigarette! Whats the whole meaning to all these you may say! That my friends is the moment where i make myself be the man i wanna be! This is the time where i take all the big choises. This is the time that make me grow and change my character.This is the time where brick by brick i build Komni of my dreams. Where i turn frustracion to confidence, sadness into happiness but most importantly loss.. to not just victory, but triumph sometimes! This my dear friends is the moment that keeps the smile on my face the next day and keeps my mind calm and strong, leaving the worries of "whats wrong with me moments" away!
Dont be scared just try that out sometime!
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